📍尖沙咀地鐵步行4分鐘 瑜伽室位於The One 附近,全新裝鏡房 ,四,場地大概300呎,有四米鏡牆,設有有更衣區,獨立冷氣及清潔消毒用品,適合導師租場教班或學生租場練習
Y場地租用 / 健身室Yenny Yoga

📍尖沙咀地鐵步行4分鐘 瑜伽室位於The One 附近,全新裝鏡房 ,四,場地大概300呎,有四米鏡牆,設有有更衣區,獨立冷氣及清潔消毒用品,適合導師租場教班或學生租場練習

It's the world's first BTC banknote. It's a cold wallet that has the particularity of being able to be exchanged for a good as many times as necessary as long as its die isn't altered, as it were cash
i商業 / 印刷icynoteteam

Due to the effect of school closures during the pandemic, student's academics are falling behind. Now is a good time to pick up the pace and catch up. 由於疫情期間學校運作大受影響,學生的學業直接受牽連。現在是加快步伐並迎頭趕上的好時機。

我有新的DJI Inspire 2可以运送到全球任何地区。无人机都是全新的,并配有DJI保修。 套餐包括: DJI Inspire 2 Quadcopter 禅宗X4S 制造商配件: 遥控器(变送器) 4x螺旋桨对 2x DJI智能飞行电池 充电器 充电中心 电源线 USB电缆 16GB MicroSD存储卡 视觉系统校准板 3x万向节阻尼器 螺旋桨安装板 手提箱 4x电池绝缘贴纸 附加配件 Sa

In the box Mavic Air 2 Aircraft ×1 Remote Controller ×1 Intelligent Flight Battery ×1 Low-Noise Propellers ×3 (pairs) RC Cable (USB-C Connector) ×1 Whatsapp : +353 89 953 9363
p手機電腦互聯網 / 遊戲primespotmart0147

位於銅鑼灣核心地段之精品瑜伽室。每節課不多於6人,讓導師能更專注於全體學生,作出適合調整。 E-RYT500 Yoga instruction with a boutique yoga studio in the heart of Causeway Bay, only 6 mats in each class to ensures individual attention.
運動及健身 / 瑜伽P.L.A.Y. with Kitty ॐ Aerial Fitness & Yoga

屯門錦發大廈罕有2房筍盤平售,建築407呎,實用326呎,只售368萬;全屋附雅致裝修,新淨企理,間隔四正,廳大房大,全屋無窗台,實用率約82%;擁光猛開揚翠綠園景,大廈兼附有24小時完善保安管理及電梯。另大廈已翻新,外型及設備新淨。 此外,步行約10分鐘即到西鐵站(35分鐘車程直達尖沙咀)、屯門市廣場及V City,2分鐘即到輕鐵站,另樓下有巴士及通宵小巴直達港九新界,有巴士到深圳灣(約15分鐘

The Harbourview, a 320-room hotel, conveniently located at the waterfront of Wanchai, is now inviting qualified applicants for the following position:

屯門好勝大廈罕有2房筍盤平售,建築438呎,實用311呎,只售378萬;全屋附雅致裝修,水電喉已更換,新淨企理,間隔四正實用,廳大房大;擁光猛開揚向南園景,大廈兼附有24小時完善保安管理及電梯。另大廈已翻新,外型及設備新淨。 此外,步行約10分鐘即到西鐵站(35分鐘車程直達尖沙咀)、屯門市廣場及V City,2分鐘即到輕鐵站,另樓下有巴士及通宵小巴直達港九新界,有巴士到深圳灣(約15分鐘車程),到

🧘我是Yenny,是一名瑜伽導師,有3年教學經驗🕒 學生可以按照自己的需求選擇不同類型的瑜伽: 🤸舒緩減壓班🤸排毒消脂班🤸都市病治療班🤸基礎瑜伽班 🤸飛輪瑜伽班 🤸空中瑜伽班 Yenny Yoga 📍尖沙咀地鐵步行4分鐘 瑜伽室位於The One 附近,全新裝鏡房 ,設有有更衣區,獨立冷氣及清潔消毒用品 地址:尖沙咀嘉蘭圍5-11號利時商業大厦1209室
Y運動及健身 / 瑜伽Yenny Yoga

Enroll the services of the most reliable lead generation companies in Dubai, UAE, to buy sales leads in Dubai and increase your overall lead conversion rates.
j商業 / 顧問jansj2315

Video Kitchen helps you curate outstanding videos on a budget.
T攝影及影音 / 攝影The Video Kitchen

濕疹不是絕症,但濕疹帶的影響,可能比絕症更深遠,我們深明濕疹之苦。用過好多天然/手造產品和偏方都無用?你真的懂得你的皮膚需要嗎? 特價發售Physiogel, Cetaphil, Aveeno, QV 等,紓緩濕疹。任何皮膚問題,都可以迎刃而解!有皮膚健康方面煩惱?請立即聯絡我們! The Skin Secrets (Hong Kong) 肌密,持有有效商業登記,正貨保證。
T買賣及批發 / 健康及醫療用品The Skin Secrets (Hong Kong)

CranialDrive Healthcare Centre 場地租用 | 舞蹈室鏡房 | 瑜伽室 | 跆拳道 | 柔道 | 拳擊   尖沙咀The One 商場附近,全新舞蹈鏡房瑜伽室租借地點方便 尖沙咀地鐵站B2出口金馬倫道直行轉彎過來都只需3分鐘。 擁有約500尺場地,共有1個獨立沖涼房廁所。   可用於Fitness 體適能訓練/運動培訓/授課表演排練,課程講座補習,朋友聚會,私人派對。

Widepot is the new One-Stop Online Shopping Mall established by Wellent System, offer customers a wide range of high quality and low price computer and electronics. Provide delivery and self pick up

We are one of the few translation firms in Hong Kong that specializes in the translation of various types of Chinese documents (traditional/simplified) into English at an affordable rate.
N商業 / 翻譯New Voice Publishing Co.

生產各款男、女裝及童裝之針織、梳織時裝,承接小單,數量不拘,樣辦製作等。We are the production of knitted & woven fashion for Ladies’ 、Men’s & kids. Our service is including production of small order(any Qty), making proto and sales samples.

需自取,可議價;沐浴輪椅車腳踏可拆開 (可連同電動護理床及減壓床褥出售) Need to collect by yourself, please offer price. The foot pads are removable. Can sell with the Tiltable Care Bed and Pressure relief mattress together.
b長者 / 醫療設備及用品brighteducation2008

We are the manufacturer for cabinet hinge and drawer slide since 1986, have good experience in furniture hardware industry. The quality is alway our most important concerns.
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware
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